About Xplore Outdoors


Xplore Outdoors is one of Northern Ireland’s most established private outdoor activity providers, now entering its 17th year in business. Our team are highly experienced in this field and demonstrate a genuine passion for what we do. We specialise in hosting youth projects, facilitating residential camps and running our flagship guided sit on top kayaking trips on the Causeway Coast & Glens. We really do love to boast and show off the beautiful coastline along the Causeway Coast & Glens!

Xplore Outdoors ethos is ‘challenge by choice’ and is defined by a set of values that underpin all our activities; team building, personal achievement, integrity, and service excellence. Our success is built on our ability to interact and bring the best out of every individual within each group by means of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ skills, and by establishing long-term relationships with our clients.

Our Instructors are National Governing Body (NGB) qualified. We pride ourselves on the “flexibility” we can offer our clients and we focus on delivering high value personal and team development programmes.

Challenge By Choice

The fundamentals of Challenge by choice are based on the fact that we are all individuals. By inviting people to take on challenges at their level, and to choose how far they want to stretch themselves is a liberating experience. People are more likely to accomplish great things when they have the freedom to decide for themselves.

This means that we will invite all participants to take part in activities that are both fun and challenging. It is up to the individual to choose how far he or she would like to take the challenge and we will support participants in the choices they make.By working within the principles of Challenge by Choice we ensure that everyone knows that they are in control. We strive to build a supportive environment that honours the fact that everyone can achieve success at their own level.

Memberships and Leave No Trace

As well as being active members of AMI (Association of Mountain Instructors), CANI (Canoe Association Northern Ireland, National Trust and Mountaineering Ireland, Xplore Outdoors fully supports and implements the principles of “Leave No Trace.” Leave No Trace is a programme which is designed to promote and inspire responsible outdoor recreation through education. For more information on the “Leave No Trace Ethos” Please visit www.leavenotraceireland.org